It’s Review Time…..
So I watched
the movie “orphan” . I read a lot of
positive review of it. Then I thought that I should watch it asap. So I
downloaded it from mlwbd. Now I’m gonna write a review on it .
Movie name: orphan
year:22 July, 2009
Jaume collet -serra

Plot: a couple, john and kate who lost
their third baby; adopt a 9 years old child from nearest orphanage . Her name
was esther who came from Russia. John and kate liked her so much. Their 5 years
old deaf and mute baby Max embraces her immediately but their 11 years old son
Daniel was less welcoming to her. Everything was going alright. One day john
and kate was in an intimate situation and esther saw them. So the next morning,
kate went to esther’s room to talk ‘bout the previous night. But surprisingly,
esther knew everything about mature people and their love making. Kate was
surprised but john didn’t. He said ,” maybe she hear about it from any of his
friends.” But kate didn’t satisfied with the answer so she called sister
Abigail, the head of the orphanage. Meanwhile, max saw esther to push Brenda,
one of her classmate from a roof of amusement park but she didn’t tell anyone
about this. When sister Abigail visited kate’s house, esther was so furious
seeing her.
Abigail told kate and john that the previous family who adopt esther,
burnt away from a huge fire and esther saved herself anyway. Where there is a
problem, esther was that place, each and every time.
John didn’t
take it seriously but kate become tensed.
So, when
sister Abigail returned her office, esther, with max, blocked her way and
smashed her head with a hammer. Then she hide the dead body in a ditch and hide
the things like the hammer, her clothes in daniel’s tree house. But Daniel saw
esther and max to come out from tree house and unfortunately esther apprehend
it. So at night she went to daniel’s room and threatened him saying that if he
tell anyone about this, she will cut him into thousand pieces and his mom
wouldn’t recognize him.
Next morning,
ester told john that kate doesn’t like her so much, so john advised her to do
something different for kate. Esther bring a bunch of white rose from jessica’s
( kate’s stillbirth child) grave intentionally as she knew how much it means to
kate. Kate cried out seeing this and grab her arm roughly. That night esther
broke her hand and said john that kate did it. John was very angry and asked
kate to sleep downstairs as esther sleep with him because she was so
frightened. kate was so upset and brought two bottle of beer but didn’t drink
as she leave the habit of drinking after lost her third baby. She pour two
bottles of beer in basin. Next morning , while dropping the children at their
school, kate get out of car and in that time esther make the car in auto break,
max was in the car!
Everyone of that place tried hard to stop the car and they
succeed. esther found the beer bottles and john thought its kate who drink
beer, became unconscious and the accident happened. So he wanted to send kate at rehab and divorce her. Meanwhile kate came to know that esther
is from saarne institute. She started to collect information about esther.
wanted to draw a conclusion, so with the help of max , he went to his tree
house to find out the evidence esther hide. In that time esther was there and
she make a fire and Daniel got severely injured. everyone went to hospital with
Daniel and here esther tried to smother him and somehow he revived. Then kate
became furious and started to beat her but sedated by the doctors. Then john
went back home with max and esther while kate and Daniel was in hospital.
In midnight,
kate got a call from doctor varve, who
was from Saarne institute. He told kate everything about esther. What was that?
Is esther the little girl what she pretend to be? Why did esther everywhere
where any crime occurred? What will be the fate of colmann family?
Do you want
to know about the truth of esther? Will you be able to digest it? If your
answer is yes, so why are you being late? Download the movie and enjoy it. I
bet, you will be thrilled!
Reaction: to be honest, it was hundred time
better than my expectation. It’s not a horror movie but every minute of this
movie is horrifying. You would not be able to keep your eyes out of the screen.
It’s terrible. Specially the ending, the twist, the thrill give you charm more
than your expectation. So, hurry up, download Orphan movie and have a good time with ESTHER :D